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Ready To See Yourself
in a New

Light ?

Personal counselling and skills training to support you through life's challenges and changes


We are all experts in our own lives, and have it within us to manage the challenges...


Studies report significant relief from anxiety, and depression, when mindfulness...


We all grow up within family and social cultures which influence how we...

All Online 

Counselling in your home can be easier to access and less stressful to attend for...

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Working With Me


As a counsellor, I work with you to find your path through difficult relationships and situations. My clients learn practical skills to manage anxiety and depression, gain a deeper understanding of their own body and mind, and can discover in themselves new strengths and purpose in life.


If you are facing challenges or changes that have stretched you to your limit, and want to explore counselling as an option, book your initial session now.

Personal Counselling

“At the center of your being, you have the answer. You know who you are and you know what you want.”

Lao Tzu

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